How to deal with non-sense requests from your clients/boss

You're working on a project. Your client comes in and say: "I want you to make {SOME CHANGE}". You think (or say): "Well...that's BS!"

Whether you are a freelancer or an employee, you certainly had times where the above scenario happened with you. This "change" being requested can be anything (adding a new feature, changing how something looks...etc).

And the reason why you perceive this request as BS can be anything too (worsen the UX/UI, will take tons of time, does not add value...etc).

So how do you usually deal with this situation??

. . Most of the times, people get in something similar to a fight-or-flight mode. Meaning that they either confront the client, explaining why it's such a bad idea & why they shouldn't make it until they win (or lose). Or, they say: "You know what! it's his project and his money. He can do whatever the hell he wants. I don't really care".

But is this really the best way to handle things??

In the first case, your relationship with the client will worsen a lot, whether you end up doing his request or not. & in the second case, when you stop caring about the success of the project, your brain will automatically disengage from giving the best it could. And I'm pretty sure neither you nor the client will be happy when the project fails.

So is there a better THIRD option that you can take??

. . Yes, actually there is! And it is: listen. & by listen I don't mean "listen", I mean "listen" 😅 The first "listen" which is the VERY common one, is the: "Listening to reply." The second "listen" which is unfortunately not very common, is the: "Listening to really understand the other"

But why is the second "listen" better in the first place??

. In any debate between you and someone else, what is the chance that your opinion is the correct one?? Assuming you both know equally about the topic, then that means you have a 50% chance of being correct....😐

And when you are debating a business decision with the business owner, your knowledge isn't equal most of the times. He knows more about his business, customers, needs, goals...etc And you know more about development, designing, good UI/UX...etc

And in reality, when he is requesting something, then that's because he has some concern about his business, and he is suggesting a solution that seems good to him.

So your job as a developer is to discover what is his concern behind his request, and then suggesting a better solution that will still solve this concern.

And the way to discover his real concern is by asking some carefully curated questions and then listening genuinely.

Most of the times, you will be able to reach a solution that is better and both of you are happy with it.

Hopefully this will help you in your career in the future 😁

So until next time, and have a nice day 👋

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About Me

I'm a freelance web developer who specializes in frontend.
I have a special love for React. And my personal goal is: Building things that are Awesome! ✨
If you are someone who is building a project where high quality is a MUST, then Let's Chat! I'll be glad to help you with it.

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