What is the most important thing that makes a landing page sells?

Can you guess what is the single most important thing in a landing page??

Is it good quality pictures?? Is it a professional design and attractive brand?? Or maybe fancy animations that wows your visitors?? . . While all of the above are important, but nope, there is something more important than all of the above. It's the text you've written.

What you say to your prospect (potential customer) while he is quickly scrolling through your page will be the deciding factor of whether by the end he leave your page, or click on your CTA (Call To Action).

Usually, this is the job of a copywriter, or someone from the marketing team, however, sometimes there is no such person, and you as a developer/designer will be asked to write the text content of the page. And I'm sure that your client will be more happy with you if the landing page you built him sells well.

So here are some quick and very important tips to keep in mind while writing your landing page:

1- Talk to your audience: Talking in general (to everyone) means you are reaching no one... Knowing who exactly is your targeted audience, will allow you to tailor your speech to touch them, speak in their language, & show them that you know them.

2- Talk about value, not features People simply don't care how many fancy features your product has, they only care whether it ease one of their pains or not.

3- Social Proof If you're not a big famous brand, then your visitors want something that shows you can be trusted. And the best way to build credibility is to show testimonials from your current clients, & how your product help them. (And never ever think about faking testimonies, cause people will know, and never trust you again)

4- Answer all the questions they might have Many think of FAQ section as just a space filler, but in reality it's one of the most important sections of your page. Your prospect will hesitate to move forward if he still has many unanswered questions in mind, so that's where your FAQ comes. It should answer all the points of concern that the rest of your landing page didn't.

Of course there is much more to this than what I just briefly covered here, but this should give you a very good head start.

If you are interested, you can start by reading this detailed article here: https://lnkd.in/eRkryXme

And that's it folks. Drop a like if you found this helpful.

And have a nice day 👋

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About Me

I'm a freelance web developer who specializes in frontend.
I have a special love for React. And my personal goal is: Building things that are Awesome! ✨
If you are someone who is building a project where high quality is a MUST, then Let's Chat! I'll be glad to help you with it.

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